Francesco Baldini
Francesco Baldini was born in 1961. He graduated in physics from the University of Florence magna cum laude in 25 February 1986. Since 1986 he joined the Optical Fiber Group at the Institute of Electromagnetic Wave of CNR in Florence (now named Institute of Applied Physics). His research activity was devoted to the development of optical fibre sensors and to the application of optical methods to the restoration of paintings and frescoes. Now he is active in the field of optical fibre sensors/systems for chemical and biochemical parameters. He is author of more than eighty publications on the subject in International Journals, in scientific books and in International Conference Proceedings. From 1996 to 2003 he was responsible of the research line of the Institute “Optical fibre chemical sensors for biomedical and environmental applications”. He was coordinator of the European project Continuous Monitoring of Gastric Carbon Dioxide with Optical Fibres (1-10-1996/30-9-2000). At the present he is responsible of the WorkArea "Metabolite sensors" in the framework of the European integrated project CLINICIP - Closed Loop Insulin Infusion for Critically Ill Patients (2004-2008), of the subproject “Assay”, in the framework of the European integrated project CARE-MAN - HealthCARE by Biosensor Measurements and Networking (2005-2010) and at IFAC of the National Project Development and realisation of biosensors for the determination of messenger-RNA in biological fluids.
He is Chairman of the ASCOS (Advanced Study Course on Optical Chemical Sensors) Series and since 2005 he is member of the International Advisory Board of Journal Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry. He was guest editor of a special issue of Sensors & Actuators on the Europt(r)ode II Conference held in Florence in 1994. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Europt(r)ode Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors and has been member of the Scientific Committee of many International Conferences. He is also an associate member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
Publications List
- Books, Book Chapters:
F. Baldini, J.Homola, S. Martellucci, A. Chester, eds., Optical Chemical Sensors, NATO Science Series, vol. 224, Springer, the Netherlands, 2006.
F. Baldini, Invasive sensors in medicine, ed. by F. Baldini, J.Homola, S. Martellucci, A. Chester, NATO Science Series, vol. 224, Springer, the Netherlands, 417-435, 2006.
F. Baldini, A.G.Mignani: Biomedical fibre-optics sensors and systems for in-vivo applications” in Handbook of Optical Fibre Sensing Technology, J.M. Lopez-Higueras ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Chichester, UK), Ch.33, 705-727 (2002).
F. Baldini, S. Bracci: Polymers for optical fiber sensors, in Polymer Sensors and Actuators, Y.Osada and D.E. De Rossi eds, Springer Verlag (Berlin), 91-107 (2000)
F. Baldini, A. Falai: Characterization of an optical fibre pH sensor with methyl red as optical indicator, in Optical Sensors and Microsystems”, ed. by Chester A.N., Martellucci S. and Mignani A.G., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 53- 60 (2000)
F. Baldini: Optical fibre chemical sensors for environmental and medical applications, in Optical Sensors and Microsystems”, ed. by Chester A.N., Martellucci S. and Mignani A.G., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 159-182 (2000)
F.Baldini, A. Falai: Characterization of an optical fibre pH sensor with methyl red as optical indicator, in Optical Sensors and Microsystems - New Concepts, Materials, Technologies", ed. by Chester A.N., Martellucci S. and Mignani A.G., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp.53- 60, 2000
F.Baldini, A.M.Scheggi, How far is a prototype from the market: the experience with Bilitec 2000, in "Biomedical Optical Instrumentation and Laser-Assisted Biotechnology", ed. by Verga Scheggi A.M., Martellucci S., Chester A.N. and R.Pratesi, NATO A.S.I. Series n°. 325, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.275-288, 1996.
F.Baldini, A.G.Mignani, A.M.Scheggi, The use of fiber optic sensors in in-vivo monitoring, in "Biomedical Optical Instrumentation and Laser-Assisted Biotechnology", ed. by Verga Scheggi A.M., Martellucci S., Chester A.N. and R.Pratesi, NATO A.S.I. Series n°.325, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.351-369, 1996.
- International Journals
F.Baldini, A.Giannetti, A.Mencaglia: Optical Sensor for interstitial pH measurements, J. Biomedical Optics, 12 (2), 24024 (2007) (selected for the April 1, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physical Research)
A.Giannetti, L.Citti, C.Domenici, L.Tedeschi, F.Baldini, M.B. Wabuyele, T.Vo-Dinh: FRET based protein-DNA binding assay for detection of active NF-kB, Sensors and Actuators B, 113, 649-654, 2006
F.Baldini: New trends in biosensors for health care (editorial), Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 381, p.381, 2005
Y.Andreu, F.Baldini, A.Giannetti,A.Mencaglia: Mathematical model for the analytical signal of an herbicide sensor based on the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Talanta, 65, 586-592, 2005
F. Baldini: In vivo monitoring of the gastrooesophageal system using optical fibre sensors, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 375, 732-743, 2003
L.Tedeschi, C.Domenici, A.Ahluwalia, F.Baldini, A. Mencaglia: Antibody immobilisation on fibre optic TIRF sensor, Biosens. & Bioelectr, 19 (2), 85-93, 2003
F.Baldini, A.Falai, A.R.De Gaudio, D.Landi, A.Lueger, A.Mencaglia, D.Scherr, W.Trettnak: Continuous monitoring of gastric carbon dioxide with optical fibres, Sensors and Actuators B, 90, 132-138, 2003
F. Baldini, C.Domenici, A. Giannetti, D. Masci, A. Mencaglia: Time-resolved absorption as optical methodfor herbicide detection, Sensors and Actuators B, 90, 198-203, 2003.
F. Baldini, A.G. Mignani: Optical-fiber medical sensors, MRS Bulletin, 5, 383-387, 2002.
F. Baldini, A. Capobianchi, A.Falai, A.A.Mencaglia, G.Pennesi: Reversible and selective detection of NO2 by means of optical fibres, Sensors and Actuators B 74, 12-17, 2001.
C. Preininger, A. Mencaglia, F. Baldini: Polymer-coated optical fibres for application in a direct evanescent wave immunoassay, Anal. Chim. Acta, 403, 67-76, 2000.
M. P. Xavier, B. Vallejo, M.D. Marazuela, M.C. Moreno Bondi, F. Baldini, A. Falai: Fiber optic monitoring of carbamate pesticides using porous glass with covalently bound chlorophenol red, Biosens,. & Bioelectr. 14, 895-905, 2000.
F. Baldini, A. Falai, A. Flamini, P. Pasetto, A.A. Mencaglia: A potential new optical transducer for the detection of Hg(II) in water, Quimica Analitica 19, 105-111, 2000.
F.Baldini, P.Bechi, F.Cianchi, A.Falai, C.Fiorillo, P.Nassi: Analysis of the optical properties of bile, J.Biomedical Optics 5 (3), 321-329, 2000.
F.Baldini: Optical determination of pH with optical fibres, Trends in Appl.Spectrosc. 2, pp.119-128, 1998.
F.Baldini, S.Bracci: Adsorption-based optical transduction in optical fibre chemical sensors for environmental and industrial applications, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis - Adsorption and its applications in Industry and environmental protection, 120, pp.925-948, 1998.
F.Baldini, A. Capobianchi, A.Falai, G.Pennesi: A new sandwich-type diphtalocyanine as a potential optical transducer for NO2 detection, Sensors and Actuators B, 51, p.176-180, 1998.
A.G.Mignani, F.Baldini: Fibre-optic sensors in health care, Phys.Med.Biol. 42, pp.967-979, 1997.
A.G.Mignani, F.Baldini: In-vivo biomedical monitoring by fiber optic system, IEEE J.Ligthwave Technology, 13 (7), pp 1396-1406, 1995.
A.G.Mignani, F.Baldini: Biomedical using optical fibers, Rep. Prog. Phys., 59, pp.1-28, 1996.
F.Baldini, P.Bechi, S.Bracci, F.Cosi: In vivo optical fibre pH sensor for gastro-esophageal measurements, Sensors and Actuators B, 29 (1-3), pp.164-168, 1995.
F.Baldini, S.Bracci, F.Cosi, P.Bechi, F.Pucciani: Controlled-pore glasses embedded in plastic optical fibers for gastric pH sensing purposes, Appl.Spectr., 48 (5), pp.549-552, 1994.
F.Baldini, S.Bracci, F.Cosi: An extended-range fibre optic pH sensor, Sensors and Actuators A, 37-38, pp.180-186, 1993.
A.Del Bianco, F.Baldini, M.Bacci, O.S.Wolfbeis, I.Klimant: A new kind of oxygen sensitive transducer based on an immobilised metallo-organic compound, Sensors and Actuators B, 11 (1-3), pp.347-350 (1993).
F.Baldini, S.Bracci: Optical fibre sensors by silylation technique, Sensors and Actuators B, 11 (1-3), pp.353-360 (1993).
P.Bechi, F.Pucciani, F.Baldini, F.Cosi, R.Falciai, R.Mazzanti, A.Castagnoli, A.Passeri, S.Boscherini: Long-term ambulatory enterogastric reflux monitoring: validation of a new fiber optic technique, Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 38, pp.1297-1306, 1993.
R.Falciai, F.Baldini, F.Cosi, P.Bechi, F.Pucciani: Bile entero-gastric reflux sensor using plastic optical fibers, Fiber and Integrated Optics, 12, pp.215-222, 1993.
M.Bacci, F.Baldini, R.Carlà, R.Linari, M.Picollo, B.Radicati: Color analysis of the Brancacci chapel frescoes. Part II, Appl.Spectr., 47 (4), pp.399-402, 1993.
A.Del Bianco, F.Baldini, M.Bacci, O.S.Wolfbeis, I.Klimant: Oxygen detection via optical fibers using bis(histidinato) cobalt(II) as indicator, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 229, pp.241-245, 1993.
A.M.Scheggi, F.Baldini: Chemical sensing with optical fibres, Intern.J.of Optoelectr, 8 (2), pp.133-156, 1993.
F.Baldini, M.Bacci, F.Cosi, A.Del Bianco, A.M.Scheggi: Absorption based optical fiber oxygen sensor, Sensors and Actuators B, 7, pp.752-757 (1992).
R.Falciai, F.Baldini, F.Cosi, P.Bechi, A.Bini, F.Milanesi: Optical fibre bile sensor for entero-gastric reflux detection, Sensors and Actuators B, 7, pp.775-779 (1992).
F.Baldini, A.Del Bianco: Optical fiber sensor for oxygen detection working on absorption basis, Fiber and Integrated Optics, 11, pp.125-135 (1992).
R.Falciai, F.Baldini, P.Bechi, F.Cosi: In vivo entero-gastric reflux detection by optical fibers, Intern.J.of Optoelectr., 6 (5), 1991, pp.443-450.
M.Bacci, F.Baldini, R.Carlà, R.Linari: A color analysis of the Brancacci Chapel frescoes, Appl. Spectr., 45 (1) pp.26-31 (1991).
M.Bacci, F.Baldini, S.Bracci: Spectroscopic behavior of acid-base indicators after immobilization on glass supports, Appl.Spectr., 45 (9), p.1508 (1991).
M.Bacci, F.Baldini, A.M.Scheggi, Spectrophotometric investigations on immobilised acid-base indicators: Anal.Chim.Acta, 207, pp.343-348 (1988).