Development of novel DNA-based analytical platforms for the rapid, point-of-use quantification of multiple hidden allergens in food samples ![]() The overarching objective of the proposed research program (PRIN 2017) is the development of sensing devices suitable for the detection of any of a wide range of allergens in food samples. By joining multidisciplinary expertise, the project proposes the development of novel electrochemical or optical sensing platforms all based the used of synthetic DNA as both recognition element (i.e. aptamers) or scaffold that will support the rapid (15 min), point-of-use quantification of multiple allergens. The Chemical & Biochemical Optical Sensor Group will lead the optical sensors activity by designing a novel point-of-use optical-based platform for multiple allergen detection for both fluorescent and chemiluminescence outputs. The methodology for the implementation of the fluorescence-based assays will be centered on the optimization and characterization of an optical setup for multi-allergen detection. The heart of the optical platform will be a biochip constituted by microchannels, each of one devoted to the measurement of a different analyte. The chip is interrogated in an optoelectronic platform with simultaneous excitation and fluorescence collection by exploiting fluorescence anisotropy. This optical setup will significantly reduce time of analysis due to the parallel fluorescence excitation and read out of all the channels of the microfluidic chip. Role: Partner Activity period: 2018-2021 FASPEC FASPEC (Fiber-based planar antennas for biosensing and diagnostics) is an international project within the action ERANET COFUND Photonic for sensing. The ability to deliver critical data for pathogen determination in a timely manner makes high-performance diagnostic tools a future key component of the healthcare system. Although fluorescence-based approaches are widely available, conventional read-out optics is bulky, not flexible and often lacks of high sensitivity. Nanophotonics-based sensing promises to build on the advantages of optical sensing while overcoming its limitations, providing better sensitivity as well as easier integration into affordable devices and disposable units. We have recently developed a planar optical antenna that can largely improve the collection efficiency by beaming the emission of molecules into a narrow cone. The project aims at translating these findings into a fluorescence-based molecular assay for in-vitro diagnostics and on the integration of the optical readout scheme into an automated platform. The key photonic innovation is the replacement of the bulk optics with a suitably designed photonic chip. The latter shall direct fluorescence towards the sensor head, enhancing the fluorescence limits of detection by orders of magnitude. The bioassays and the platform validation will focus on sepsis, which is a common hospitalization disease with high mortality rates. The photonic chip will be functionalized with biological recognition elements for selected target molecules, e.g., proteins and microRNA as sepsis biomarkers. Our aim is to rapidly translate a scientific achievement into an innovative technology, where large sensitivities are attained in a compact and low-cost device, and to provide new tools to diagnose sepsis, a major challenge of the healthcare system. Role: Partner Activity period: 2018-2021 Information at:
SAFEWATER SAFEWATER (On chip whispering gallery mode optical microcavities for emerging microcontaminant determination in water) is an international project within the action ERANET COFUND Photonic for sensing. The project focuses on the design and realization of a novel, portable platform based on optical WGM microbubble resonators able to perform a label-free multiplexed detection and determination of emerging microcontaminants (EMCs) in different water matrices with high sensitivity and extremely low limit of detection. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the project, a strong synergistic interaction among all the involved partners with different expertise in chemistry, physics and engineering is requested in order to develop each basic block of the integrated final instrument. The consortium gathers together research organizations and industrial representatives coming from Poland, Portugal and Tuscany. Role: Coordinator Activity period: 2018-2021 Information at:
OPTIMO OPTIMO (Multichannel optical fibre device for simultaneous manometry, pH-metry and bilimetry in oesophagus) is an international project within the action ERANET COFUND Photonic for sensing. The target of the present proposal is the design, implementation and characterization of a portable device based on an all-optical technology capable to perform simultaneously oesophageal manometry, pH-metry and bilimetry. Pressure measurement along the oesophagus is performed with an array of optical fibre gratings, which ensures the monitoring along a length of about 30 cm with high spatial resolution. The sensors for the measurement of pH and bile are based on the change of absorption caused by the parameter under investigation. In the case of pH, an acid-base indicator that changes its absorption as a function of pH is immobilized on controlled pore glasses suitable coupled to plastic optical fibres. As for bile detection, the measurement is based on the direct absorption of bilirubin, the main biliary pigment, and a bundle of plastic optical fibres carries the signal. Clinical assessment of the realized device on patients is scheduled in the last year of the project. Role: Coordinator Activity period: 2018-2021 Information at:
CIREBI CIREBI (“Componenti Intelligenti con Reticoli di Bragg Integrati") is a POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 research project funded by theTuscany Region. Aim of the project is the development of two "smart" components equipped with FBG based sensors network for the continous real time monitoring of deformations and temperature. The two components will be: 1) a standard Eurocard PCB electronic board with FBGs embedded for the temperaure monitoring; 2) a fiber reinforced polymer composites cylinder, part of a low pressure anechoic chamber, equipped with an FBGs network for the monitoring of the deformations during the creation of the vacuum. Role: Partner Activity period: 2018-2020
HEMOSPEC HEMOSPEC (“Advanced spectroscopic hemogram for personalized care against live threatening infections using an integrated chip assisted bio-photonic system”) is a FP7 project with the objective of development of a highly innovative technological platform for early, fast and reliable medical diagnosis of infectious diseases using only minimal amount of patient’s blood. Role: Partner Activity period: 2013-2018 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostic Information at: |
NANOMAX-ENCODER NANOMAX-ENCODER (“Engineering Nanostructures for Cellular imaging and for intracellular delivery of Optically active Drugs for cardiac hypERtrophy”) is a CNR flag project coordinated by IFC-CNR, within the flagship project Nanomax. Role: Partner Activity period: 2012-2018 Research Line: Optical Nanosensing |
Improving Therapy for Breast Cancer and Melanoma by Transcriptome-Methylome Profiling, Integrative Network Inference, and Design of Novel Theranostic Tools Improving Therapy for Breast Cancer and Melanoma by Transcriptome-Methylome Profiling, Integrative Network Inference, and Design of Novel Theranostic Toolsa. Role: Subcontractor Activity period: 2015-2019 Research Line: Optical Nanosensing |
Main past Projects
SENS4BIO SENS4BIO (“Microrisonatori Optofluidici Ultra-Sensibili di Tipo “Flow-Through” per Applicazioni Biosensoristiche”) is a national “Future in Research” MIUR project devoted to the development of ultrasensitive flow-through optofluidic micro-resonators for sensing applications, coordinated by the Dept of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. Role: Partner Activity period: 2013-2017 Research Line: Optical Resonators
NANODEM NANODEM (“NANOphotonic DEvice for Multiple therapeutic drug monitoring”) is STREP FP7 project which aim is the development of a novel therapeutic drug monitoring point-of-care-testing (POCT) device for the measurement of immunosuppressants and related metabolites in transplanted patients. Role: Coordinator Activity period: 2012-2016 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostic Information at:
CAREMAN CAREMAN (“HealthCARE by Biosensor Measurements And Networking”) is an European FP6 Integrated Project aimed to the development of a novel therapeutic drug monitoring point-of-care-testing (POCT) device for the for the determination of biomarkers. Role: Partner Activity period: 2006-2011 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostics |
CLINICIP CLINICIP (“Closed Loop Insulin Infusion for Critically Ill Patients”) is an European FP6 Integrated Project with the objective to develop a glucose monitoring and control system for critically ill patients. Role: Partner Activity period: 2004-2007 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostic Information at: |
ARTEMIDE ARTEMIDE (“Autonomous Real Time Embedded Multi-analyte Integrated Detection Environment”) is a PRIN national project with the objective to develop a fully integrated lab-on-chip system for the early diagnosis of viral infections. Role: Partner Activity period: 2013-2016 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostic |
NANOCELL (“Optical Nanosensors inside cells) is a regional project ( PAR FAS Regione Toscana Linea 1.1.a.3) which aim is the Role: Coordinator Activity period: 2011-2013 Research Line: Optical Nanosensing |
Bilateral Project S&T Programme Italy-India Bilateral Project S&T Programme Italy-India (Joint Research Proposal under CNR, Italy – CSIR, India) is an international project with the objective to develop a Long Period Grating based immunoassay for biosensing applications. Activity period: 2012-2015 Research Line: Optical Fiber Gratings Read More.. |
SONDA SONDA (Optical device for the combined measurement of pH and biliary content in gastroesophageal apparatus) is a regional project coming from a contract with the company Cecchi srl with the objective of the realisation of an optical device equipped with a single optical fibre catheter capable of the simultaneous measurement of bile containing refluxes and pH. Activity period: 2012-2013 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostics |
COMOCADOF COMODACOF(“Continuous Monitoring of Gastric Carbon Dioxide with Optical Fibres”) is an European research project with the objective of developing an optical fibre sensor for the continuous monitoring of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the stomach. The Role: Coordinator Activity period: 1996-2000 Research Line: Biophotonic diagnostics |